As winter approaches, it's crucial to prepare your elderberry plants for their dormancy period. In our recent video, we share essential tips to help ensure your elderberries thrive come spring.
1. Pruning: Start by pruning your elderberry bushes. Remove any dead or diseased branches to encourage healthy growth. Amount of pruning should be dependent of varieties you have and when your elderberries are located. The further south you live the more pruning your elderberries will appreciate. I will have a separate video and post on pruning soon.
2. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of your plants. This helps insulate the roots and retain moisture during the colder months. Organic options like good composted layered with wood chips, straw work or other organic matter that will mat down a bit.
3. Watering: Give your elderberries a thorough watering before the ground freezes. This ensures the plants are well-hydrated, which is crucial for their health during dormancy.
4. Fertilization: If you haven’t done so already, consider adding a fertilizer low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus in late fall to support root development and nutrient storage.
By following these simple steps, you can help your elderberry plants weather the winter and prepare for a vibrant growing season ahead. Check out our video for more detailed guidance and visual demonstrations!
Happy gardening!